
You are very important!

We have support for you too.


A support program for teen/young dads.

Refuel is a place for dads to be encouraged and learn how to be a good father, provider and lead their families with confidence.

This program offers a safe and trusted environment for young dads to talk about their struggles, fears and/or worries. Discipleship, testimonies and mentoring are provided to help young dads become the men / fathers they were created to be.

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about this program, please contact us at

Daddy Boot Camp

Getting dad prepared to handle anything:

  • Diapers

  • Car seats

  • Conflict

  • Communication

  • Commitment

What are your goals & plans? What does it mean to be a father?

Man Up! Be present and break generational cycles!

Are you interested in participating in our Daddy Boot Camp?

Contact us today to learn more about the program!


There are so many ways you can support your partner through her pregnancy and beyond. Even if you are a first-time dad, you have everything it takes inside of you already to be a great parent. If you are looking for ways to help your partner along the way and to be the best dad, here are some helpful tips:

  • Be present!

  • Listen to her concerns.

  • Talk about your issues in a calm, cool manner.

  • Make decisions together.

  • Comfort her during the hard days.

  • Take initiative.

  • Be compassionate.